Thursday, July 24, 2008

Subway fare hikes

NY MTA announced that it is planning two fare hikes for the subways over the next couple years. A single fare have been $2 for a while, but they are threatening to push it up to $2.25. In addition, they are scaling back several capital projects, and possible cuts in service.

Bear in mind they just screwed us recently with a fare hike.

In the middle of these discussions, it took me an extra 30 minutes to get to work this morning. No #7 Express service into the city. Half of the local stops back to Flushing were down. And last night the train I was on was so crowded that I was pressed up against the worst smelling man in the world. His body odor was so rank-foul that I was getting the dry-heaves and I was afraid I could hurl at anytime. Yep. A commute like like will be worth paying $2.25 each way.
Pic from the crap cam.