Tuesday, August 12, 2008

In Print: The Host by Stephenie Meyer

I noticed in the paper today that The Host by Stephenie Meyer is still number two on the best seller list even though it was released on May 6th. Looks like books can have a much longer run than movies.

The author of The Twilight Series changed directions with this book. The Host is kind of an invasion of the body snatchers story. Alien invaders take over the Earth by using humans as hosts. These aliens are called "souls" and they live in the bodies of their hosts. This tale is about the adventures of one soul named Wanderer and her host Melanie. How they deal with each other sharing the same body, and how they influence each other. But that seems like a lesser point in comparison to the ambivalence of host and soul in the romances and relationships formed through the pages.

Had I known this was romance book hidden in an alien invasion I might not have read it. And I almost stopped reading this book within the first hundred pages due to the obnoxious villain, the Seeker. They never did divulge her name only that her job was a seeker. But after that the action and drama picks up greatly and keeps you turning the pages. The book is an easy read, and despite it's girth, you can get through it pretty quickly. I won't divulge teh ending, but i will say it ends with hope for humans on many different labels.

I liked the book. It's currently available everywhere that sells books.
See my other releases regarding The Host: