Friday, August 01, 2008

Word of the Day for Friday, August 1, 2008

panoply \PAN-uh-plee\, noun:

  1. A splendid or impressive array.
  2. Ceremonial attire.
  3. A full suit of armor; a complete defense or covering.
Panoply is from Greek panoplia, "a full suit of armor," from pan, "all" + hoplia, "arms, armor," plural of hoplon, "implement, weapon."
  • sweet fuck all. Amounting to nothing or very little
Wow what a waste, i did SFA this weekend.
Which of his hit songs was Michael Jackson performing when he introduced his "moonwalk" on TV in 1983?
  • “Billie Jean.” He was appearing on a Motown 25th-anniversary special at the time.
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