Monday, August 04, 2008

Word of the Day for Monday, August 4, 2008

obeisance \oh-BEE-suhn(t)s; oh-BAY-suhn(t)s\, noun:
  1. An expression of deference or respect, such as a bow or curtsy.
  2. Deference, homage.
Obeisance comes from Old French obeissance, from obeissant, present participle of obeir, to obey, from Latin oboedire, to listen to, from ob-, to + audire, to hear. The adjective form is obeisant.
  • The uncontrollable urge to scream obscenities at other drivers who infringe on your space (whether real or imagined).
Jay: Man that guy just cut you off.
Mark: That @#$% can't drive worth @#$%.
Jay: I see your traffic tourette's is getting worse.
What was the original flavor of the cream filling in Twinkies sponge cakes?
  • Banana. Twinkies were introduced in Chicago in 1930. The filling was changed to vanilla during World War II when there was a banana shortage. The banana flavor was marketed again in early 2005, to mark the release of the King Kong remake.
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