Tuesday, January 27, 2009

In the cinema: Underworld: Rise of the Lycans


I've been looking forward to this movie for a long time. I've been posting the news on it as it came out. I got the book the day before it was officially out and read it within days. I posted my review with spoilers for the movie at that time here:


Needless to say, I was very excited to be able to watch Underworld: Rise of the Lycans on opening night, Friday the 23rd.

This movie is part three in the Underworld movie franchise. This time we are given a prequel, the start of the war between the vampires and the lycans. Even though some of the details have been touched upon in the previous movies, this one shows you the creation of the lycans, and how the vampires used them as slaves and of the continued battle against the monster spawn of William Corvinus, the first werewolf, brother of Marcus Corvinus (the first vampire), the werewolf menace. With all this going on, Lucian, the first born lycan, has a love affair with Sonja, the daughter of Viktor. The rest of the movie is about them getting found out, attempting to escape with their lives, and ultimately the overthrow of the vampire slave masters.

I won't go further into the film yet. I just want to say that I really enjoyed it. It was all that I hoped it would be and then some. Well filmed. All the characters who mattered were developed, and no bogging down with unnecessary details. Due to the amount of violence this movie earned the R rating. At only 90 minutes, it still told all the story that needed to be told. If you liked the other movies, see this one, it's necessary viewing.

I'm hoping that if this third installment does well enough in the box office and in DVD sales that they consider a fourth film. There are enough loose-ends in the storyline to easy make another one or more movies in the franchise. At the time I'm writing this, it was coming in a close second place for the weekend box office race.

Now, if you don't want to read any more spoilers, stop reading at this point.

Back to the movie, thought, details and more spoilers....

  • I previously read that Kate Beckinsale will make no appearance in this movie. It made sense since her character wasn't even created yet in the time frame of the movie. Yet, in the beginning there is a narration in her voice. Also, the movie ends with the beginning of the first movie, so it features Kate's perfect ass prominently.
  • I was shocked that hundreds of years after William was subdued that his werewolf spawn were still running amok across the lands. I thought that after The capture of the first werewolf that the death dealers would've reduced those numbers.
  • Considering how lycans weren't given the chance to practice with weapons, Lucian was very deft with a sword. I suppose his work as a blacksmith enabled him a chance to work with swords?
  • Tannis was a very trusted vampire in the court. It's amazing how he ended up falling from grace.
  • When Castle Corvinus falls to the werewolves and lycans, it's assumed every single residing vampire was killed. The entire coven was wiped out by Lucian's forces.
  • Somehow Viktor survived being stabbed through the mouth and out the back of the head by Lucian. I realize he's an Elder, but how and anything, even the undead survive that? Many vampires were killed in battle with lesser wounds.
  • The end shows a ship leaving, so you know, it's headed for Viktor's estate in Budapest. That's where he rebuilt his forces to go and wipe out Lucian's den, and when Kraven would make his pact with the lycan.