Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

expurgate \EK-sper-geyt\, verb:

  • to remove objectionable words or passages from a document
by 1621, from Latin expurgat-, from expurgare, from ex- + purgare "to make clean"
hello list
  • The list of people you have to or want to say "hello" to on a daily basis. Especially relevant for students in university buildings, or coworkers in a workplace. Some people might decide to put you on their hello lists, even if they aren't on yours! Typically, reciprocity is expected.
Dropping someone from your hello list to just a nod when you pass him or her might be considered a snub by the other person.
What is the only celestial body in the universe—besides the sun and moon—that is bright enough to cast shadows on the earth?
  • Venus.
Today in History:
Today's Birthdays: