Monday, February 16, 2009

The Ides of February: Drumming Influences Day 2

In the late 80s early nineties I was introduced to an electronic / industrial band that would alter teh way I thought about playing the drums from that point on. The next band to influence the way I played the drums:

#4: Front 242
I was in my friend's car and he popped in a tape. It had a really rocking beat, depressing lyrics, and electronic music with samples and touches of guitars. At that time NIN, Ministry, and KMFDM had all reshaped their sounds to me much more heavy metal but with danceable beats for the most part. Front 242 didn't go down that road as gung-ho. Even in 1991 when Up Evil and Evil Off came out, even though heavy guitars and rhythms were very present, they still sounded like an electronic band. But how does an electronic band influence a drummer? Aren't they all sequencers and programmed fills? Somewhat. Front 242 has been touring with a live drummer for years, and before that Richard would add extra layers with an electronic kit. Listening to their live shows, and going to several, you get a different feel. The feeling of the man sitting behind the drumset who breathes a living element into the ultra-heavy beat. On album versions drum fills were thrown in some very unorthadox spots that forced me into a different thought process about how to play the drums. If you want to listen to some examples of what blew my mind try these tracks: Tragedy >For You<, Religion, Headhunter, Melt, Neurobashing, Moldavia, Im Rhythmus Bleiben, Masterhit...


Heff said...

Never even heard of these guys.. I'll have to check them out at my liesure.

Bobby "the Blue" said...

Not sure if they will be heavy enough for you. They aren't Ministry or NIN or Filter or Skinny Puppy.

Here's a vid: