Tuesday, February 10, 2009

In the cinema: Paul Blart: Mall Cop

Here we have a Kevin James comedy produced by Adam Sandler so you can be assured that it will not be intellectually stimulating. Stupid comedy is right up my wife's alley, so we finally got to see it.

In a nutshell, Paul Blart (Kevin James) is a security guard who has a hard-on to be a cop, just like all security guards. Despite being a screw-uo, he manages to single-handedly save the mall from a huge robbery that the local police couldn't handle. While doing so winning the heart of the woman who is definitely too hot for this fat man.

It succeeds in making you laugh at times. But the story is so far fetched that afterwards you walk out of the theater hating yourself for wasting your time for seeing it. It's best left for television since it's so clean.

More on IMDB:


Heff said...

I knew this movie would be a stinker, although I like Kevin James. I'm sure the movie will pollute satellite dishes soon enough. I'll see it then, possibly while drinking so I can hopefully enjoy it a bit.

Bobby "the Blue" said...

Yeah, booze would seriously help the watchability of this flick.