Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Review: Sona Pillow

Over the years I have developed some sleep problems. Snoring. Restless sleep. Waking up achy. As it turns out all these problems are related.

About a year and a half ago Brookstone bombarded the radio waves of NYC with advertisements for some new pillow that's supposed to relieve or even prevent mild sleep apnea. I found the idea interesting, but no t enough so to drop the $100+ to buy one. Ultimately my lack of good sleep beat out my miserliness and I acquired a new one on ebay for a significant savings.

When I got it I tried to figure the thing out. It just said, "aim pillow this way" and "put arm through that way." Fairly vague instructions led to a disappointing trial. I would either roll off the pillow one way, or end up on my back when I rolled the other way, which made the problem worse. So I did a little more research. It's suggested that you might want to put a pillow between your knees and another along your back when you sleep. This was when the position they were trying to achieve became clear. They are trying to assist you to sleep on your side and keeping your neck fairly straight so that your breathing passages would be unobstructed. Armed with new knowledge and gave it another shot. At that point I got it right and got months of good sleep without snoring. Lately I've been sleeping without a second pillow so I've been ending on my back and snoring something evil at night again, so I will remedy that immediately.

Once I got the hang of this pillow it really did the job. I would say it might help you too, just be patient and try to figure out how to use it properly. Of course, you can probably do the same thing by properly stacking some pillows, for a lot less money.
