Saturday, February 14, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

myopia \mahy-OH-pee-uh\, noun:

  1. an abnormal eye condition in which only closeup objects are seen clearly; nearsightedness
  2. shortsightedness; lack of foresight
by 1727, medical Latin, from Late Greek myopia, from myops "near-sighted," from myein "to shut" + ops "eye"

chick flick

  • A film that indulges in the hopes and dreams of women and/or girls. A film that has a happy, fuzzy, ridiculously unrealistic ending.

My best friend's wedding, Mona Lisa Smile, Runaway Bride, The Wedding Planner, Maid in Manhattan, Josie and the pussycats, Mean girls, A cinderella story, Freaky Friday.... I could go on forever!


In the vio1993 romantic comedy Sleepless in Seattle, where was the climactic scene on the observation deck of the Empire State Building filmed?

  • In an abandoned airplane hangar at the former Naval Reserve Air Station at Sand Point in Seattle, Washington. The observation deck was re-created—slightly larger than life-size—in the hangar, with a huge photo of Manhattan’s famous skyline serving as the background.

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