Saturday, February 07, 2009

Saturday, February 7, 2009

denigrate \DEN-i-greyt\, verb:

  • to attack the character or reputation of; defame
by 1526, from Latin denigratus/denigrare "to blacken, defame," from de- "completely" + nigr-, stem of niger "black," of unknown origin.
  • Boots that are leather, highheeled, and thigh high just like ones found on a prostitute.
She best take off those prostiboots before someone asks her what she charges!
What animal migrates to Texas annually to participate in the largest gathering of mammals in the world?
  • The bat—the Mexican free-tailed bat. Every spring, tens of millions of them descend on Bracken Cave, near San Antonio, to spend the summer, give birth, and raise their young.
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