Sunday, February 01, 2009

Sunday, February 1, 2009

victuals \VIT-uhlz\, noun:

  • food or provisions, esp. for humans
c 1303, vitaylle (singular), from Anglo-French and Old French vitaille, from Late Latin victualia "provisions," noun use of plural of victualis "of nourishment," from victus "livelihood, food, sustenance," from base of vivere "to live." Spelling altered by 1523 to conform with Latin, but pronunciation remains "vittles."
  • "Volume Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder"
  • Function: Noun
  • A psychoneurotic disorder in which the television viewer is beset with obsessions or compulsions or both to adjust the volume on the television to a "perfect" number, such as 15, 20, 25, etc. and suffers extreme anxiety or depression through failure to adjust the volume or witnessing an "imperfect" number (9, 16, 31).
Joe has VOCD; he must adjust the volume on any television in which it is not set to a perfect number.
What U.S. government agency had a 320-foot-long ladder—the longest in the world—built for its use in the late 1990s?
  • The U.S. Coast Guard. Its “debarkation ladder,” which can be rolled up for storage, is intended for emergencies, when a ship’s passengers and crew have to climb down to life rafts from the upper decks.
Today in History:
Today's Birthdays:
  • "I haven't met a player or a coach whose goal isn't to win the Super Bowl." — Pete Rozelle