Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

pinchbeck \PINCH-bek\, noun, adjective:

  1. an alloy of zinc and copper used to imitate gold in jewelry-making; by extension, something counterfeit; an imitation
  2. not genuine; fake
by 1734, named for Christopher Pinchbeck (c1670-1732), London watchmaker, who developed the alloy
lol theory
  • The theory that the internet phrase lol,meaning "laugh out loud", can be placed at any part in any sentence and make said sentence lose all credibilty and seriousness.
ex 1 Doc: We need to operate on your colon lol, you have cancer.
ex 2 Jesus: Take this all of you and eat it, it is my body, lol.
ex 3 Me: Will you marry me? Lol.
^Lol theory in action
Why were dockworkers in Elizabethan times required to have their pockets sewn closed when ships from the Orient were being unloaded?
  • To keep them from stealing pepper, which at the time was a highly prized commodity—and used as currency.
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