Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

virtuoso \vur-choo-OH-soh\, noun, adjective;pl. virtuosos, virtuosi:

  1. a person skilled in the techniques of an art, esp. playing a musical instrument; by extension, a person with a cultivated appreciation of artistry
  2. showing mastery in artistic skills
c. 1651, from Italian virtuoso, from Late Latin virtuosus. The meaning "person with great skill" (as in music) is first attested 1743
Bale Out
  • When someone's stress level explodes to an epic proportion and a 5-minute f-bomb-laden tirade is unleashed on the unlucky soul who was in the wrong place at the wrong time -- much like Christian Bale on the T4 set.
Pam was trying to study for her midterms in the library but the kid across the table kept tapping his pencil to his ipod making her Bale out and get suspended from the library for a week.
In what annual sports competition is the winning trophy called the Claret Jug?
  • Golf’s British Open Championship. The trophy, more formally known as the Golf Champion Trophy, is widely referred to as the Claret Jug because that’s what it is. The jug was introduced at the Open in 1873, when it replaced the previous prize, the Challenge Belt.
Today in History:
Today's Birthdays:
  • "I walk on untrodden ground. There is scarcely any part of my conduct which may not hereafter be drawn into precedent." — George Washington