Monday, February 09, 2009

Weekend Box Office

  1. He's Just Not That Into You
  2. Taken
  3. Coraline
  4. The Pink Panther 2
  5. Paul Blart: Mall Cop
I guess brawds have been dying for a good, shitty chick flick because He's Just Not That Into You, which looked painfully awful, handily took the #1 spot away from Taken. Opening weekend takes for new flicks; Coraline, The Pink Panther 2, Push; all had very weak ticket sales. Crappy films don't inspire the droves to come to the theater.

I'm looking forward to the opening of Friday the 13th this week. The remake of the first movie in the franchise looks promising.

I was supposed to see Taken with friends over the weekend but scheduling blew that one out of the water. I did, however waste a couple hours of life watching the Mall Cop on Friday. Look for the review tomorrow on "Review Tuesday."