Sunday, June 21, 2009

First day of Summer and Father's Day

The calender says that today is the first day of summer, though that may be the only way you can tell here in New York. We've scarcely seen the sun this entire month nor have the temperatures been where they should be this time of year. The gloomy damp days make me feel as if I should be building an ark in my backyard. At least there won't be water restrictions this summer.

Today is also Father's Day. I visited my father at the cemetery. That was depressing enough but the mists of fine rain and all around dreariness only reinforced the depression of the day for me.

For the Father's out there, have a happy day.


Heff said...

My Dad is gone, too.

We're sweating our asses off to 100+ degree temps right now. Rejoice.

Bobby "the Blue" said...

Sorry to hear about your father, Heff.

Looks like YOU get to see some of Al Gore's global warming. We're having none of it here in NYC.