Saturday, June 20, 2009

Saturday, June 20, 2009

ebullient \ih-BUL-yuhnt\, adjective:

  1. Overflowing with enthusiasm or excitement; high-spirited.
  2. Boiling up or over.
Ebullient comes from Latin ebullire, "to bubble up," from e-, "out of, from" + bullire, "to bubble, to boil."
dick inches
  • Arbitrary (and usually incorrect) units of measurement used mostly by males. Derives from men overestimating their penis size. Dick inches are much shorter than actual inches. Hence a guy can claim to have a 9 inch penis when it is actually closer to 5-6 inches. The term "dick inches" is usually used when over-estimating non-penis measurements.
fellow one: "Finally! There's a parking spot!"
fellow two: "No way, man...You can't park within 30 feet of a stop sign."
fellow one: "There's plenty of room."
fellow two: "Yeah, only if you're measuring in dick inches."
What was the name of the stoned punk rocker that Gilda Radner portrayed on TV’s Saturday Night Live?
  • Candy Slice. The character was a parody of Patti Smith.
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