Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

prescience \PREE-shuns; PREE-shee-uns; PRESH-uns; PRESH-ee-uns; PREE-see-uns; PRES-ee-uns\, noun:

  • Knowledge of events before they take place; foresight.
Prescience is from Latin praescientia, from praescio, praescire, to know beforehand, from prae, before + scio, scire, to know.
Air Bowing
  • term referring to novice violin and chello players who pretend to play during musical performances in order to impress their parents.
When I was in fourth grade, all I did was air bow. Carolyn is a really good violin player, when I was her age I just air bowed. There were several children air bowing the concert.
How many tiny black seeds are there on the average strawberry?
  • 200. The strawberry is the only fruit with seeds on the outside.
Today in History:
Today's Birthdays:


Heff said...

Is it just me, or are chicks staying hot WELL in to their later years these days ??

33 Years old, with a 20 year old body !!

Bobby "the Blue" said...

You're right. Brawds are keeping their stuff together better and longer. I don't doubt that advances in skin technology and plastic surgery has a lot to do with many of the cases, but not all.