Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010

machination \mack-uh-NAY-shuhn; mash-\, noun:

  1. The act of plotting.
  2. A crafty scheme; a cunning design or plot intended to accomplish some usually evil end.
Machination derives from Latin machinatio, "a contrivance, a cunning device, a machination," from machinari, "to contrive, to devise, especially to plot evil." It is related to machine, from Latin machina, "any artificial contrivance for performing work." To machinate is to devise a plot, or engage in plotting. One who machinates is a machinator.
  • A long horizontal smear on the bottom of your Iphone caused from answering a call using the slide bar with a greasy finger.
Mike: Yo maing whats that dirty mark on your iPhone?
Trev: ahh thats just an iSmear from my greasy finger.
According to Greek mythology, what creature was the source of the poison that killed Odysseus?
  • A stingray. Odysseus’ son, Telegonus, while searching for his father in Ithaca, unwittingly killed him with a spear tipped with the venomous spine of a stingray.
T3h b3fdays, y0!


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