Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

panjandrum \pan-JAN-druhm\, noun:

  • An important personage or pretentious official.
It was composed on the spot to challenge actor Charles Macklin's claim that he could memorize anything. Macklin is said to have refused to repeat a word of it.
iphone effect
  • shortly after one person in the group brings out their iphone, the rest follow suit, ultimately ending all conversation and eye contact.
"Hey, what do you want to order for drinks?"
"Not sure, let's see what Imbibe Magazine has for their best beer this month."
First iphone comes out of the pocket--enter safari search. Next iphone comes out--enter Facebook post. Third iphone makes an entrance -- the iphone effect has arrived.

When it comes to blights in the great outdoors, what is toxic cyanobacteria?
  • Pond scum—or blue-green algae.
Berfdays, yo!