Monday, October 25, 2010

ventriloquism (ven-TRIL-uh-kwiz-uhm)noun:
1. The art or practice of speaking without moving lips so that the voice seems to be coming from somewhere else.
2. The expression of one's views through another person, used as a literary technique.
Etymology: Literally speaking, ventriloquism is speaking from the stomach, from the former belief that the voice was produced from the ventriloquist's belly. The word is derived from Latin ventriloquus (ventriloquist), from ventr- (belly) + loqui (to speak). Earliest recorded use: 1797.
love tap
  • The (sometimes) gentle nudge of the car behind and/or in front of you that occurs in the process of good solo parallel parking.
Oh man, this is a tight spot, I might have to love tap these cars a few times.
At what university was the 1997 hit movie Good Will Hunting filmed?
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The Oscar-winning script was written by the film’s stars, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck.
  • The Charge of the Light Brigade: the British assaulted Russian forces during the Battle of Balaclava, which was commemorated in a poem by Tennyson (1854)
  • Battle of Leyte Gulf: one of the largest naval battles in history took place between the US and Japan as the US invaded the Philippines (1944)
  • United Nations: voted mainland China in, Taiwan out (1971)
  • Operation Urgent Fury: the US invaded Grenada in response to the execution of Prime Minister Maurice Bishop (1983)
  • Pablo Picasso (1881-1973): painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist and stage designer
  • Richard E. Byrd (1888-1957): navigator and the first man to fly over both poles; plus, astronomer Henry Norris Russell (1877-1957)
  • Anne Tyler (69): Pulitzer Prize-winner for Breathing Lessons; also, writer John Berryman (1914-1972)
  • Katy Perry (26): singer/songwriter whose album Teenage Dream debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200; also, pop musicians Barbara Cook (83), Helen Reddy (69), Taffy Danoff and Jon Anderson (both 66), Chad Smith (49), Ed Robertson (40) and Ciara (25)
  • Olias of SunhillowAdam Goldberg (40): actor, director, producer and musician; also, actors Jeanne Cooper and Marion Ross (both 82), Brian Kerwin (61), Nancy Cartwright (54), Tracy Nelson (47), Michael Boatman and Kevin Michael Richardson (both 46), Craig Robinson (39), Michael Weston (37) and Mehcad Brooks (30)
  • Midori (39): classical violinist; and, composers Johann Strauss (1825-1899) and Georges Bizet (1838-1875)