Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

plebiscite \PLEB-uh-sahyt\, noun:
1. A direct vote of the qualified voters of a state in regard to some important public question.
2. The vote by which the people of a political unit determine autonomy or affiliation with another country.
Plebiscite is comprised the Latin roots plebi meaning “common people” and scitum meaning “resolution or decree.”
a kim kardashian
  • When you have been dating for 72 days
Joe: How have you two been dating?
Jim: For a kim kardashian
Joe: lol a what?
Jim: a kim kardashian is 72, like her marriage.
What is the only crime that can disqualify a prisoner in Vermont from voting?
  • Election fraud. Vermont and Maine are the only two states that permit prisoners to vote (by absentee ballot).
  • Louvre: the former royal French palace opened as a museum; it is now the most-visited art museum in the world (1793)
  • x-rays: were discovered by William Röntgen; he was awarded the first Nobel Prize in Physics for this achievement (1895)
  • Three Gorges Dam: the Yangtze, China's largest river, was diverted in a massive ongoing construction project (1997)
  • Edmond Halley (1656-1742): astronomer who discovered Halley's Comet
  • Margaret Mitchell (1900-1949): Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Gone With the Wind; Dracula's creator Bram Stoker (1847-1912) has the same birth date
  • Christiaan Barnard (1923-2001): surgeon who performed the world's first human heart transplant; and, psychologist Hermann Rorschach (1884-1922)
  • Morley Safer (80): broadcast journalist, 60 Minutes; also, TV host Mary Hart (61)
  • Bonnie Raitt (62): blues-rock musician; other singers born today include Patti Page (84), Rickie Lee Jones (57) and Leif Garrett (50)
  • Matthew Rhys (37): Kevin Walker on Brothers and Sisters; also, actors Norman Lloyd (97), Alain Delon (76), Alfre Woodard (59), Courtney Thorne-Smith (44), Parker Posey (43), Roxana Zal (42), Gretchen Mol (39), Tara Reid (36), Dania Ramirez (32), Chris Rankin (28) and Jessica Lowndes (23)