brogue \brohg\, noun:
1. Any strong regional accent.2. An Irish accent in the pronunciation of English.3. A durable, comfortable, low-heeled shoe, often having decorative perforations and a wing tip.4. A coarse, usually untanned leather shoe once worn in Ireland and Scotland.5. Brogan.6. A fraud; trick; prank.
Brogue originally referred to a type of shoe worn by rural Irish and Scottish highlanders. The word came to be associated with the accent of these people by the early 1700s.
classic as fuck
- Something that is extremely timeless and will never get old.
Duder 1: "Ha ha I can't believe he stepped on that burning bag full of dog shit."
Duder 2: "I know, that trick is classic as fuck."
Duder 1: "All right, let's go, we got 15 more houses to hit."
- Pilgrims: arrived in the New World, seeking religious freedom; they went ashore near Plymouth Rock, having traveled west after their initial settlement in Leiden, Holland, became unsustainable (1620)
- radium: radioactive element was discovered by Marie and Pierre Curie (1898)
- crossword puzzle: Liverpudlian journalist Arthur Wynne published the first "word-cross" puzzle, in The New York World (1913)
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: film version premiered in Hollywood (1937)
- Pan Am Flight 103: went down over Lockerbie, Scotland, after a terrorist bomb exploded aboard, killing all 259 people on the plane and 11 on the ground (1988)
- Jean Baptiste Racine 1639
- Benjamin Disraeli 1804
- Henrietta Szold 1860
- Joseph Stalin (Dzhugashvili) 1879 (Obama's Idol)
- Walter Hagen 1892
- Pat Weaver 1908
- Andor Foldes 1913
- Heinrich Böll 1917
- Kurt Waldheim 1918
- Alicia Alonso 1921
- Paul Winchell 1922
- Phyliss Love 1925
- Ed Nelson 1928
- Freddie Hart 1933
- Phil Donahue 1935
- John Avildsen 1935
- Jane Fonda 1937
- Frank Zappa 1940
- Ray Hildebrand 1940
- Carla Thomas 1942
- Albert Lee 1943
- Gwen McCrae 1943
- Jared Martin 1943
- Michael Tilson Thomas 1944
- Gordon Kannegiesser 1945
- Josh Mostel 1946
- Carl Wilson (The Beach Boys) 1946
- Nate Wright 1947
- Elliott Maddox 1947
- Samuel L. Jackson 1948
- Claude Chartre 1949
- Betty Wright 1953
- Chris Evert 1954
- Jane Kaczmarek 1955
- Jim Rose 1956
- Lee Roy Parnell 1956
- Ray Romano 1957
- Florence Griffith Joyner 1959
- Christy Forester (The Forester Sisters) 1962
- Andy Dick 1965
- Gabrielle Glaser (Luscious Jackson) 1965
- Kiefer Sutherland 1966
- Khrystyne Haje 1968
- Brad Warren (The Warren Brothers) 1968
- Julie Delpy 1969
- Brett Scallions (Fuel) 1971
- Wendy "Four" "Fiore" Combattante (pr0n) 1983
- Steven Yeun (TWD) 1983
- Kaitlyn Dever 1996

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