Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Review Tuesday: The Spread: A Zombie Novel by Sean Deville

The Spread: A Zombie Novel
by Sean Deville
How the world becomes gripped in a zombie apocalypse at the hands of a terrorist organization. 
Zombie stories are fun. Each author has his own interpretation of zombie mechanics and it's very interesting to see what path any author takes in the genre. So when I had the opportunity to read a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review I wanted to give this one a whirl.

This story starts off with a bunch of loose ends that all eventually get tied in together. The center of it all is a conspiracy from an Anti-Natalist terror organization that decided to speed up the process of human extinction.

Excellent writing. Good pace. Brilliant development. This is a LONG story, so don't expect to knock this out overnight. In my opinion it's worth the investment of time to read.It will have you reaching for the hand sanitizer!

Get it on AMAZON