Tom is asked by the newest owner of the house to remove the spirits.
The BAD BEN franchise continues with the SIXTH INSTALLMENT that no one was expecting nor requested.
I previously reviewed all of the earlier movies HERE.
This is pretty much the same thing as before. The house is infested with NINE different spirits and it's up to Tom Riley (Nigel Bach) to figure out how they keep getting into the house and to stop it so they can never return. The movie is about an hour and a half of Bach waddling around the house and cursing in his annoying voice.
The film is estimated to have had a budget of approximately $400 but we can't figure out how it was more than $10. It's as crude as ever. The plot is simple. The ending is mildly amusing. The special effects are poor. The acting is iffy at best. Why this guy keeps making movies I don't know, but as long as people like us keep hoping that the films will magically get better, I suppose he will continue to have an audience.
More on IMDB.
Watch it on AMAZON.
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