In 2019 there were TWO new Bad Ben movies?!?! Previous installments were reviewed HERE.
Tom Riley is hired to remove the ghosts and demons from the house.
New owners took over THE HOUSE but have no idea how to deal with the evil contained therein. Obviously they would go and hire the guy who used to live there and got thrown out of the house to help, right? Tom Riley has to figure out how the evil is getting into the house, and send it all back, and seal the portal
The movie is the usual hour-plus-some of the usual Nigel Bach hi-jinks, bad-acting, and horrendous special effects. I thought the movie was pretty terrible, but if you are attracted to train wrecks and / or Nigel Bach films then this might be right for you.

Tom Riley gets a job as a ride share driver.
Tom Riley got his mini-van back and decided to work as a ride share driver. Seemed like a a different concept for these franchise. However, the first three people he picks up all are headed to THE HOUSE. Then a couple other weird things happen. Then Tom Riley saves the day.
There were some problems with this film, as you can imagine with a film from Nigel Bach. The acting, as always, is poor. Most importantly, the entire underlying concept of the movie is incorrect. All ride shares have the same process, you let them know where you are, where you are headed, and they let you know the fee. Tom Riley is taking tasks with no idea where he is headed. So each time he picks someone up and asks, "where ya headed?" I want to scream THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS! And dash cams are ON THE DASH.
It was so bad my wife fell asleep during this short picture. However, my wife went back to rewatch it alone another night. Despite how bad these movies are, we seem to be compelled to keep watching them. My wife even quipped that we must be fans of the franchise since we always seem to be up to date with our viewing. I am NOT proud of this.
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