shoat \ shoht \ , noun;
- Also, shote. a young, weaned pig.
- geep.
Origin: Shoat has been in English since the 1300s. It comes from the late Middle English shote and is related to the dialectal Dutch schote.
half and half and half
- A type of coffee so diluted by sugar, cream or milk that it no longer tastes like coffee, instead like milk and sugar, and has a beige or light brown color to it. The drink is typically concocted by those who want to appear as if they are drinking coffee but despise the taste.
Anne: Carrol is such a coffee poser, she'll only fill her mug with coffee halfway before she drowns it in milk and sugar.
Jill: Yeah, i hate the taste of her half and half and half.
- St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre: the murder of 70,000 French Protestants (Huguenots) by Catholics began (1572)
- White House: the seat of the US government was burned down by the British when they invaded Washington, DC, during the War of 1812 (1814)
- Treaty of Cordóba: Mexico gained independence from Spain (1821)
- Pluto: got demoted to dwarf planet following a redefinition of "planet" by the International Astronomical Union (2006)
- Joshua Lionel Cowen 1880
- Jose Luis Borges 1899
- Edmund Germer 1901
- Preston Foster 1901
- Durward Kirby 1912
- Dennis James 1917
- Penny Edwards 1919
- Louis Teicher 1924
- Yasser Arafat 1929
- Roger McCluskey 1930
- Kenny Baker1934
- Murray Balfour 1936
- Mason Williams 1938
- David Freiburg (Jefferson Starship) 1938
- Ernest Wright (Little Anthony and the Imperials) 1941
- Marshall Thompson (The Chi-Lites) 1942
- John Cipollina (Quicksilver Messenger) 1943
- Gregory Jarvis 1944
- Jim Capaldi (Traffic) 1944
- Jim Brady (The Sandpipers) 1944
- Ken Hensley (Uriah Heep) 1945
- Joe Regalbuto 1949
- Mike Shanahan 1952
- Jeffrey Daniel (Shalamar) 1955
- Gerry Cooney 1956
- Stephen Fry 1957
- Steve Guttenberg 1958
- Cal Ripken, Jr. 1960
- Mark Bedford (Madness) 1961
- Craig Kilborn 1962
- John Bush (Anthrax) 1963
- Marlee Matlin 1965
Reggie Miller 1965
- Kristin Osborn (SheDaisy) 1970
- David Chappelle 1973
- Carmine Giovinazzo 1973
- Beth Riesgraf 1978
- Chad Michael Murray 1981
- Rupert Grint 1988

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