Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Tuesday, August, 31, 2021

diktat \dik-TAHT\, noun:
  1. A harsh settlement unilaterally imposed on a defeated party.
  2. An authoritative decree or order.
Diktat comes from German, from Latin dictatum, neuter past participle of dictare, "to dictate." It is related to dictator.

Burning Envy 
  • The experience often felt by persons not going to Burning Man because they have real life obligations such as jobs, school, kids, etc.
Mike: Coming to Burning Man this year?
Nate: No, I have school and other shit I need to do.
Mike: So what! You can always start school a week late!
Nate: No, no I can't just fuck off all my obligations to party in the desert with a bunch of freaky druggies and rich douche bags who try to be freaky druggies once a year. Reality is more important right now.
Mike: You should still come.
Nate: You just don't get it do you?
Mike: You have Burning Envy, HA HA! 
Nate: ...

  • Malaya: became independent of the United Kingdom (1957); a few years later this federation of states became Malaysia
  • Trinidad and Tobago: island nation of the southern Caribbean, birthplace of limbo, became independent of the United Kingdom (1962)
  • Jack the Ripper: first victim was found with her throat cut in London's East End (1888)
  • Princess Diana: was killed in a car crash along with her companion, Dodi Fayed, and her driver as they attempted to evade paparazzi (1997)
  • Baghdad bridge stampede: 1,000 pilgrims were killed when panic over a supposed suicide bomber caused a crush of people on the Al-Aaimmah bridge over the Tigris River (2005)
  • Caligula (Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus) 0012
  • Maria Montessori 1870
  • Wilhelmina (Netherlands) 1880
  • Frederic March 1897
  • Arthur Godfrey 1903
  • William Saroyan 1908
  • Sir Benrard Lovell 1914
  • Daniel Schorr 1916
  • Alan Jay Lerner 1918
  • Richard Basehart 1919
  • G.D. Spradlin 1920
  • Buddy Hackett 1924
  • James Coburn 1928
  • Frank Robinson 1935
  • Eldridge Cleaver 1935
  • Warren Berlinger 1937
  • Jerry Allison (Buddy Holly and the Crickets) 1939
  • Jack Thompson 1940
  • Roger Dean 1944 - Artist
  • Itzhak Perlman 1945
  • Van Morrison (Them) 1945
  • Richard Gere 1949
  • Rudolph Schenker (Scorpions) 1952
  • Anthony Thistlewaite (The Waterboys) 1955
  • Gina Shock (The Go-Go's) 1957
  • Glenn Tillbrook (Squeeze) 1957
  • Edwin Moses 1958
  • Chris Whitley 1960
  • Tony DeFranco (The DeFranco Family) 1960
  • Larry Waddell (Mint Condition) 1963
  • Jeff Russo (Tonic) 1969
  • Debbie Gibson 1970
  • Tamara (Trina & Tamara) 1977
  • Yara Martinez (Ms Lint from The Tick) 1979