smithereens \smith-uh-REENZ\, noun:
- Small pieces; bits.
Smithereens is an alteration of the Irish smidirin, "fragment."
- acknowledgement of someones comment or joke, but indicating it wasn't funny.
John: I love girls that wear their PJs all day long, it's like they are ready to jump in bed at a moments notice.
Jack: ha
- Gregorian calendar: was adopted by Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain; the Julian calendar ended the previous day, October 4, and the intervening 10 days were deleted (1582)
- Abraham Lincoln: was encouraged to grow a beard in a letter he received from 11-year-old Grace Bedell (1860)
- The Great Dictator: Charlie Chaplin's scathing satirical film attack on Nazi Germany was released (1940)
- I Love Lucy: one of television history's most popular sitcoms debuted (1951)
- Department of Transportation: was signed into existence by LBJ (1966)
- sound barrier: was broken on land for the first time, by RAF pilot Andy Green in Black Rock Desert in Nevada, 50 years and a day after it was broken in the air by Chuck Yeager (1997)

- Virgil 70 B.C.
- Friedrich Nietzsche 1844 - German philosopher
- Mule (George) Haas 1903
- John Kenneth Galbraith 1908
- David Carroll 1913
- Jan Miner 1917
- Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. 1917
- Robert Walker 1918
- Mario Puzo 1920
- Lee Iacocca 1924
- Jean Peters 1926
- Peter Haskell 1934
- Linda Lavin 1937
- Barry McGuire 1937
- Marv Johnson 1938
- Dick Lotz 1942
- Penny Marshall 1942
- Don Stevenson (Moby Grape) 1942
- Jim Palmer 1945
- Victor Banerjee 1946
- Richard Carpenter (The Carpenters) 1946
- Roscoe Tanner 1951
- Tito Jackson (The Jackson 5) 1953
- Jere Burns 1954
- Tanya Roberts 1955
- Sarah Ferguson 1959
- Mark Reznicek (Toadies) 1962
- Ginuwine 1970

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