gorgonize \GOR-guh-nyze\
Mommy: no thats a nigger. A Niger is a depressed African nation full of people that look just like that man
Little Boy: o
- to have a paralyzing or mesmerizing effect on : stupefy, petrify
In Greek mythology, the Gorgons (from the Greek adjective "gorgos," meaning "terrifying") were commonly depicted as three female monsters who had snakes for hair and the ability to turn anyone who looked at them into stone. The most notorious of the three was Medusa; when she was slain by the hero Perseus, her severed head retained the power of turning anyone who looked on it to stone. In modern parlance, to gorgonize someone is to make him or her feel (metaphorically) petrified, usually through an intimidating glance or gaze.
- a depressed African nation that made a big mistake when choosing a name for itself
Mommy: no thats a nigger. A Niger is a depressed African nation full of people that look just like that man
Little Boy: o
- Tasmania: southeast Australian island was first seen by Dutchman Abel Tasman, for whom it was later named (1642)
- The Origin of Species: naturalist Charles Darwin published his book explaining evolution (1859)
- Lee Harvey Oswald: JFK assassin was shot to death by Jack Ruby (1963)
- Lucy: Australopithecus skeleton was found in Ethiopia; she was about 3 foot 7 (109 cm.) and 3 million years old (1974)
Freddie Mercury died from HIV (1991)
- Bat Masterson 1853
- Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 1864
- Scott Joplin 1868
- Dale Carnegie 1888
- Garson Kanin 1912
- William F. Buckley, Jr. 1925
- Johnny Carver 1940
- Paul Tagliabue 1940
- Pete Best 1941 - Musician (Beatles), early member of the Beatles
- Donald "Duck" Dunn (Booker T. & the MG's) 1941
- Billy Connolly 1942
- Lee Michaels 1945
- Dwight Schultz 1947
- Stanley Livingston 1950
- Clem Burke (Blondie) 1955
- Terry Lewis (The Time) 1956
- Denise Crosby 1957
- John Squire (The Stone Roses) 1962
- Gary Stonadge (Big Audio) 1962
- Chad Taylor (Live) 1970
- Collin Hanks 1977
- Katherine Heigl 1978


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