ogle \OH-guhl\, verb:
1. To look at amorously, flirtatiously, or impertinently.2. To eye; look or stare at.
Ogle traces its origins from the Lower German oeglen, "to look at," but ultimately comes from a now extinct word for "eye," oog.
puppy fart syndrome
- Puppy fart syndrome is when a person is shocked or woken by their own fart.
I was enjoying a good meal with family and friends when I let out a small cough, but also let rip with a huge fart. Puppy fart syndrome made me jump and quickly leave the room.
I was just drifting off to sleep when I let out a loud fart and woke up startled at the loud noise. Puppy fart syndrome can happen to us all occasionally.
- The act of not wearing a bra under a shirt. Analogous to freeballing, which is not wearing underwear for men.
Kate is not wearing a bra under her shirt, therefore, she is freeboobing.
Kate was freeboobing and her shirted tit almost poked out my eye.

- World AIDS Day
- electoral college: the US House of Representatives met to determine a new president when none of the candidates received an electoral majority; John Quincy Adams was chosen over Andrew Jackson and Henry Clay (1824)
- A Study in Scarlet: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's first Sherlock Holmes story appeared in print (1887)
- Rosa Parks: was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white man on a bus in Alabama, sparking the Montgomery bus boycott (1955)
- Antarctic Treaty: was opened for signature; it said Antarctica "shall continue forever to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes" (1959)
- Cyril Ritchard 1897
- Mary Martin 1913
- Stansfield Turner 1923
- David Doyle 1925
- Robert Symonds 1926
- Billy Paul 1934
- Woody Allen 1935
- Lou Rawls 1935
- Sandy Nelson 1938
- Lee Trevino 1939
- Dianne Lennon (The Lennon Sisters) 1939
- Richard Pryor 1940
- Federico Faggin 1941
- Casey Van Beek 1942
- John Densmore (Doors) 1944
- Bette Midler 1945
- Gilbert O'Sullivan 1946
- Treat Williams 1951
- Eric Bloom (Blue Oyster Cult) 1951
- Kim Richey 1956
- Charlene Tilton 1958
- Carol Alt 1960
- Jeremy Northam 1961
- Nestor Cabonell 1967 - Actor ("Lost", "Cold Case")
- Julie Condra 1970
- Sarah Silverman 1970
- Ron Melendez 1972
- Sarah Masen 1975
- Bradford Phillip Delson 1977 - Guitarist (Linkin Park)
- Yolandi Visser - 1984 (Die Antwoord)
- Ashley Monique Clark 1988
- Mila Azul 1997 - erotic model

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