shindy \SHIN-dee\, noun:
1. A row; rumpus.2. A shindig.
Shindy is a peculiar Americanism that arose in the 1810s. It referred originally to shinny, a now-obsolete game resembling field hockey. The word came to be applied not just to sport but also to raucous events.
Irritable Vowel Syndrome
- When you or your Scrabble opponent has so many vowels on their rack, they can't make a word on the board, or the only word that can be made is going to score very low. Complaining about having too many vowels and getting irritable reign over swapping a vowel tile and skipping a turn.
player #1: your turn.
player #2: dude, I can't even make a word, I have too many vowels.
player #1: swap some tiles, then.
player #2: no, it's ok. I will just make this two letter word and get a crappy point score.
player #1: sounds like you are suffering from Irritable Vowel Syndrome.
When it comes to military jargon, what’s an NBC suit?
- Personal protective clothing designed to be worn in the event of a nuclear, biological, or chemical attack.
- Charles I: monarch of Great Britain and Ireland was beheaded for treason (1649)
- Mahatma Gandhi: nonviolent Indian political and spiritual leader was assassinated in Delhi by a Hindu extremist; Gandhi had been working to promote Hindu-Muslim unity (1948)
- Tet Offensive: the Vietcong launched a series of surprise attacks (1968)
- The Beatles: performed as a group for the last time in public; they played for 45 minutes on the roof of their Apple Records studio (1969)
- Bloody Sunday: 14 civil rights protesters were shot to death by British troops in Derry, Northern Ireland (1972)
- Iraq: held its first free election in 50 years (2005)
- Franklin D. Roosevelt (U.S.) 1882
- Roy Eldridge (Gene Krupa's Band) 1911
- David Wayne 1914
- John Ireland 1914
- Bennie Leighton 1921
- Gene Martin 1922
- Dick Martin 1922
- Barbara Hale 1922
- Dorothy Malone 1925
- Douglas Engelbart 1925
- Gene Hackman 1931
- Louis Rukeyser 1933
- Horst Jankowski 1936
- Boris Spassky 1937
- Vanessa Redgrave 1937
- Norma Jean 1938
- Dick Cheney 1941
- Marty Balin (Jefferson Airplane) 1942
- Steve Marriott (Humble Pie & Small Faces) 1947
- William King (The Commodores) 1949
- Charles Dutton 1951Phil Collins 1951 drummer
- Brett Butler 1958
- Jody Watley 1959Julie McCullough 1965
- Christian Bale 1974Eiza González 1990

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