Tuesday, February 22, 2005

How creepy Jonathan ended up institutionalized

At one point in Jonathan's life he took on the most bizarre antisocial behavior. Was made sure he wasn't up and about when everyone else was. So he'd go to bed as everyone else was getting up for the day and would emerge as everyone was calling it a night. He might sit there watching TV, or read books, and usually spent the entire time eating.

He had become completely reclusive. Not wanting to leave the house for any reason, except for food, more books, or the arcade. Mind you this is a man in his early 20's.

So one day Ben and Janet said they were going for a ride and Jonathan was coming along. "No" was not an option. So they go for a ride which ended up at one of the local psychiatric centers. Jonathan even attempted to put up a stink and try to get out of it but his parents would have none of it.

He would spend the next couple months at this facility. He was forced to exist in normal hours, to interact with others, and got some meds.

After he left he would ultimately make his way, somewhat, into mainstream society. I guess it worked for him.