Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Here's a definition from the Webster's New World Compact Dictionary. This word seems to have some reactions from a previous blog entry.

con-vo-lut|ed -- adj. 1. having convolutions; coiled 2. involved; complicated


Unknown said...

Not sure that you got my point (always difficult trying to joke in a language that's not your own!).

The Danish word Konvolut (pronunciation identical to the English word convolute) means envelope.

It is still quite a story and a strange choice of word to describe the situation!

Bobby "the Blue" said...

The reason why I posted the definition is largely due to my coworkers and wife who weren't really sure what it meant.

Regardless, you are correct, sir, that her choice of word, and the way she kept using it over and over again was certainly odd.

I'm trying to picture the conversation with her saying that the situation was "enveloped." Maybe that was her intention. Afterall, there was a shroud of heinousness around this conspiracy! LOLz.