Wednesday, September 14, 2005


They added a new puzzle to the Metro called Sudoku. It's a logic puzzle. Imagine a tic tac toe board, a box of 3x3 boxes subdivided into separate 3x3 boxes. Every horizontal and vertical line has the numbers 1 - 9 once, and each small 3x3 box also has 1 - 9. Today's the third day it's running in the paper and it's my new morning ritual.

The story is that some dude invented this puzzle, and created a program to make an endless supply of puzzles for his amusement. Now it's the biggest thing.

I dunno if you can find it on the web, but it's spelled Sudoku.


Anonymous said... provides a free sudoku generator and more 9x9 and even 16x16 sodoku puzzles online.