Thursday, August 17, 2006

On DVD: The Amityville Horror (2005)

I never saw the original movie from the 1970's, or at least I can't remember it, so when Stacey offered to rent I the new version figured why not? It's a remake of a classic in American horror! Amityville is only a short drive out in the island from where I live. Okay, done deal.

When she handed me the DVD, memories of all the poor reviews it got came back to me. Okay, I prefer to watch things with an open mind. I generally don't care what the critics say, because they are all pompous bastards with swollen heads anyway. So I popped it in the DVD player.

It starts off with the murders in the house. Gruesome. Okay, this will only get worse from here, I'm sure. Nope. Not really. It was a little slow, kinda dragged. The acting wasn't terrible, it's just that it wasn't catching my interest. I know all the brawds love this movie for Ryan Reynold's dead fit physique. He spent most of the movie without a short showing off his six pack. Bastard. For the guys Melissa George and Rachel Nichols (the babysitter) were a couple pieces of eye candy. But that's not what this thing is about.


But where was it? You got tiny little gushes of scary stuff and nothing more. A couple weird things. But it never captured me. It never caught my interest.

It was okay at best. The filming and special effects were pretty well done. But in all, I really couldn't care less about what was happening to this family.

Watch it if you wish. It's not the best horror movie, but it's an okay ghost story.

More on IMDB: