Saturday, March 10, 2007 Word of the day for Saturday, March 10, 2007

effete \eh-FEET; ih-\, adjective:
1. No longer capable of producing young; infertile; barren; sterile.
2. Exhausted of energy; incapable of efficient action; worn out.
3. Marked by self-indulgence or decadence; degenerate.
4. Overrefined; effeminate.
Urban Word of the Day
March 10, 2007: gu
  • Acronym for "geographically undesirable."
"Great guy and all, but totally gu -- he lives all the way in Boerum Hill!"

Daily Trivia:
  • How many baby (or primary) teeth do humans normally have?
20. There are 32 in the secondary, or permanent, set of teeth.