Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Dictionary.com Word of the Day for Tuesday, March 20, 2007

empyrean \em-py-REE-uhn; -PEER-ee-\, noun:

  1. The highest heaven, in ancient belief usually thought to be a realm of pure fire or light.
  2. Heaven; paradise.
  3. The heavens; the sky.
  4. Of or pertaining to the empyrean of ancient belief.
Urban Word of the Day
March 20, 2007: bustday
  • The day you realize your NCAA bracket is busted, and you're probably not going to win the pool unless somehow, a double digit team wins the title.
"Looks like someone's got a case of the bustdays."

Daily Trivia
  • How much does the Pearl of Allah, the largest pearl on record, weigh?
14 pounds. A Filipino diver discovered the 9 1/2-inch-long baroque pearl, which is also known as the Pearl of Lao-Tzu, in 1934 in the Palawan Sea. It was in a giant clam, known by the scientific name Tridacna gigas.