Friday, June 29, 2007

Word of the Day for Friday, June 29, 2007

bifurcate \BY-fur-kayt; by-FUR-kayt\, transitive verb:

  1. To divide into two branches or parts.
  2. To branch or separate into two parts.
  3. Divided into two branches or parts; forked.

Urban Word of the Day

June 29, 2007: chipdrunk

  • In poker, having so many chips that you make bad calls and bets. It usually is the result of winning one or more big pots and usually is followed up by being "[down to the felt]"
Eric gets chipdrunk and spews chips everywhere when he's the big stack at the table.


What U.S. organization is the largest nonprofit scientific and educational institution in the world?

  • The National Geographic Society.

Today's Birthdays