If at first you get the feeling, "Hey! This is System of a Down!" You wouldn't be far off, as Serj is the singer of System. This is a solo project, and you can hear what Serj is capable of when he spreads his creative wings. That was when I realized this is more than what System ever put out.
Here's the tracklist:
- Empty Walls
- Unthinking Majority
- Money
- Feed Us
- Saving Us
- Sky Is Over
- Baby
- Honking Antelope
- Lie Lie Lie
- Praise the Lord and Pass
- Ammunition
- Beethoven's C
- Elect the Dead
Serj is at his profound peak with this recording. Even more provocative songs than usual, and compelling use of instruments. I found this a thoroughly enjoyable album to listen to. I had it playing while was was installing wall tiles in my bathroom and it just got the blood pumping and kept me at my pace.
This album is a great effort and it's clear to see who is the creative force in System. Serj's same fingerprints are all over anything he touches. He's given us a good record. It's out TODAY so go get some!
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