Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Word of the Day for Tuesday, October 23, 2007

inimical \ih-NIM-ih-kul\, adjective:

  1. Having the disposition or temper of an enemy; unfriendly; unfavorable.
  2. Opposed in tendency, influence, or effects; antagonistic; adverse.
Urban Word of the Day
October 23, 2007: dotcomrade
  • An [Internet] acquaintance; someone you chat with but have never actually met.
"So who's this NrdPowr32 guy?"
"I dunno. Just a dotcomrade of mine."

How much life insurance was General George Armstrong Custer carrying when he was killed at the infamous Battle of Little Big Horn?
  • $5,000. The annual premium was $127.80. His wife was the beneficiary.
Today in History

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