Monday, February 25, 2008


I awoke this morning with the urge to just roll over, go back to sleep, and not show up for work. Instead I got up, went about my usual morning rituals and headed off at my normal time.

It was all downhill from there.

It's Monday, so everyone seemed to be groggy left over from the weekend. Slow driver after slow driver on the road. A school bus in the middle lane of the Clearview Expressway was doing 35. The Q28 was running late. No #7 Express service out of Flushing. Then the trains were dumping everyone off at 74th Street. Of course, the moment I arrived on the platform for the E Train to get into the city seven service started up again. Jammed into a cramped E Train. Hopped a 6 that sat at 53rd for about 5 minutes. Got to the office at 9:05. Two full hours to get to work. Pure shit.

Things only got "better" when the symptoms of a cold set in.

That's it. I'm going to sleep early.