Sunday, February 17, 2008

What I did on my day off during tax season: Week 3

Yesterday I had another day off. I suppose I will continue to have Saturdays off until further notice. So the weekend starts Friday night. I got home from Brooklyn late and got myself together to sleep right around the time my wife walked in. She went to Mirage with her friends, and oddly enough for a club, the place closed down between 12 and 12:30. We said good night and I read some Robert Heinlein until I couldn't stay awake any longer. If you have trouble sleeping, reading helps put you out. I was asleep by 1:30 AM.
I awoke by 10 AM. I usually try NOT get up early on my day off, as I might not have another chance to sleep late until after April 15, but we had a wake to attend in the late afternoon and needed to get rolling.
The turtle tanks got first attention. My plan to remove his spot lamp and replace it with a heater worked. There was very little algae in his tank this week, yet he basks the same amount as usual. Perfect. Some laundry got done, and ironing. I polished out a scratch in the paint on the FR. Cleaned the basement floors. Did some paperwork, collate a tax return. Took a shower, and was ready to head out by 4:00 PM.
We got to the wake at around 5 PM. This lady lived to 97. Looking at the numbers it looks like a nice long life, but after a series of strokes, shed been in a vegetative state for about the last ten years, and limited mobility for years before that. Her husband died a couple years ago. He was over one hundred and was sharp up until the moment he punched his ticket. Now that's the way to live!
Afterward we visited a friend who was having trouble with her stereo. With a little work I figured out the problem and got it working again. It was settings and wiring problems, nothing major. She had other company, so she treated us all to a fantastic homemade Eastern European meal.
Got to bed at around 11:00 so I can get up at 6:50 this morning. The heavy meal and concern about work had me gnashing my teeth badly overnight. I had a headache the whole day as a result of the pressure exerted by my jaw, even with a mouth piece in.
I'm just dragging my ass today. Is it April 16th yet?