Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bluford: 08/25/2008

A month ago my little Bluford turned three. It also passed the 31,000 mile mark. I was due for all sorts of things, which was why I had it in the shop for inspection yesterday. As I mentioned the car had no problems passing inspection.

Well, almost.

After the mechanic snapped off the driver's mirror, he didn't want to pass the car, as it's illegal to drive a car without that mirror. The manager would hear none of it and told him to pass the car and get it out of the shop. The kid did so but smashed my fender while trying to get the car out of the shop. See below.

I'm proud of myself because I didn't have a meltdown. I just calmly negotiated having the best auto body shop in Franklin Square do the repair work on the car. I should also be getting a rental while the car is in the shop. But first things first, STS should be putting my brand new mirror on my car so I can actually DRIVE it again. Right now I can't even drive it without worrying about getting a ticket. I can't even park it on the street without the fear of getting a ticket. Damn!

But that aside, I got some work done on the car this weekend beyond the usual car wash.
  • Fuel Filter.
  • Oil Filter.
  • Washed the K&N Air Filter.
I managed to replace the fuel filter this time without getting gasoline in my eyes and up my nose. I was quite pleased.

No so pleased. Here are the pics of the damage on the car. Does it look like about $1500 worth to you?


Anonymous said...

I would have had a meltdown!