Two-Headed Turtle Stolen from Brooklyn Pet Store
Posted: Tuesday, 19 August 2008 6:59AM
NEW YORK (1010 WINS) -- A two-headed turtle that has been turning heads for weeks has been stolen from a Brooklyn pet store.
Store owner Sean Casey says someone took the rare reptile from the Windsor Terrace store's front window display on Sunday.
Casey got the turtle from a man in Florida who was looking for help when the turtle's health went downhill. Casey nursed the turtle back to health and has displayed it in his pet store for the past couple of weeks.
Anyone with information on the turtle's whereabouts is asked to call 917-734-0442 or go to the Sean Casey Animal Rescue Web site.

Nope, You're Not Seeing Double
Monday, 18 August 2008 8:42AM
NEW YORK (AP) -- A turtle in a Brooklyn pet store is causing customers to take a second look, at its second head.
Pet store owner Sean Casey got the unusual animal from a man in Florida, who was looking for help when its health went downhill. Casey got it healthy, and has displayed it in his pet store for the past couple of weeks.
He says two heads can be twice the trouble, he has to feed each head separately to make sure they don't fight over the food.
I can see from the pic that this baby turtle has not been properly cared for. The shell is distorted, that's a clear sign of poor nutrition and / or lack of proper lighting. At this point the animal can easily be saved with a vitamin enriched diet, liquid vitamins in the water, and strong full spectrum lighting with a good heat source. If there is no shell rot, the animal can be back in proper health and happiness within a year. I would volunteer to provide a home for this guy. Cooters are cute, but two heads? Twice as cute!
very interesting! I saw this on the news and heard them saying how each individual head needs to be fed or else they'll fight for food! crazy!
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