blackguard \BLAG-uhrd\, noun:
- A rude or unscrupulous person; a scoundrel.
- A person who uses foul or abusive language.
- Scurrilous; abusive; low; worthless; vicious; as, "blackguard language."
- To revile or abuse in scurrilous language.
Blackguard is from black + guard. The term originally referred to the lowest kitchen servants of a court or of a nobleman's household. They had charge of pots and pans and kitchen other utensils, and rode in wagons conveying these during journeys from one residence to another. Being dirtied by this task, they were jocularly called the "black guard."
- A social offense that can be called out when one is being falsely spoken for.
"God, we got so plastered last night."
"The royal we. I had a vodka tonic and called it quits. You got so shitfaced you puked on my jacket and then attempted to fornicate with it."
"Good times. We have fun."
"Go fuck a blender."
Under what pen name did Russian-born writer Solomon Rabinowitz gain fame?
- Sholom Aleichem, which means “peace be with you” in Yiddish. Rabinowitz/Aleichem wrote humorous short stories, some featuring the character Tevye, who was immortalized in the musical Fiddler on the Roof.
- Macbeth: king of the Scots was killed in battle by Malcolm III; Macbeth had previously killed Malcolm's father, Duncan I, to acquire the throne (1057)
- Partition of India: led to the creation of India and Pakistan and their independence of British rule (1947)
- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821): emperor of France
- Julia Child (1912-2004): chef who taught preparation of French cuisine through TV and books
- Oscar Peterson (83): jazz pianist/composer; musicians Pete York (66) and Jimmy Webb (62) also have birthdays today
- Princess Anne (58): member of Britain's royal family
- Debra Messing (40): Will and Grace's female lead; also, actors Jim Dale (73), Tess Harper (58), Željko Ivanek (51), Debi Mazar (44), Ben Affleck (36) and Natasha Henstridge (34)
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