Saturday, January 10, 2009

January 10, 2009

fastidious \fa-STID-ee-uhs\, adjective:

  • hard to please; extremely refined or critical
c 1440, "full of pride," from Latin fastidiosus "disdainful, squeamish, exacting," from fastidium "loathing," most likely from fastu-taidiom, a compound of fastus "contempt, arrogance" and tædium "aversion, disgust." The meaning "squeamish, over-nice" emerged in England by 1612.
  • When you're in the kitchen going around in circles because you can't remember what you were doing there.
I was in the kitchen this morning walking around in circles wondering what the hell I was looking for when the microwave beeped reminding me I was heating up my cup of coffee. My Kitchenheimer's is getting worse!
Which two states have official donuts? What kinds of donuts are they?
  • Louisiana, the beignet; Massachusetts, the Boston cream donut.
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