Sunday, January 04, 2009

January 3, 2009

yegg \yeg\, noun:
  • a burglar who robs safes; safecracker
by 1903, underworld slang of unknown origin, possibly the name of an American burglar and safecracker
Textually Frustrated
  • When texting with someone over IM or SMS that takes too long to reply leaving you waiting and frustrated.
"She takes forever; texting with Sara leaves me textually frustrated"
Five years before winning her first Oscar, what 20-year-old actress starred in the title role of The Next Karate Kid?
  • Hilary Swank, in 1994. She went on to win Best Actress Oscars for Boys Don’t Cry (1999) and Million Dollar Baby (2004).
Today's History:
Today's Birthdays:
January 4, 2009
zealous \ZEL-uhs\, adjective:
  • full of zeal; actively enthusiastic
c.1526, from Latin zelosus from zelus "zeal"
snow hysteria
  • When the populace's fear of a snowstorm creates traffic jams and general panic way before any flakes even fall. Usually turns out to be a totally disproportionate response to a minor snowstorm.
Everyone is fleeing the office thanks to snow hysteria...but it isn't supposed to start snowing until 9 PM.
When it comes to skiing slang, what’s a yard sale?
  • The remains of a bad accident or wipeout that leaves a skier's belongings scattered around a ski slope.
Today in History:

Today's Birthdays: