Tuesday, January 06, 2009

January 6, 2009

beleaguer \bi-LEE-ger\, verb:
  1. to surround with troops; besiege
  2. to surround or beset
by 1589, from Dutch belegeren "to besiege," from be- "around" + legeren "to camp."
  • Short for reality-distortion field. An expression used to describe the persuasive ability of managers like Steve Jobs (the term originated at Apple in the 1980s to describe his peculiar charisma). Those close to these managers become passionately committed to possibly insane projects, without regard to the practicality of their implementation or competitive forces in the marketpace.
Steve Jobs is extremely demanding of all those around him and has a very low tolerance for anything but excellence. Because he can be shockingly blunt in his dealings with others, he is often portrayed as abusive, but this is dead wrong. He simply demands/expects great things from everyone around him. I honestly believe he can't understand why anyone would want to waste their time doing anything less than great.
How many passengers could be seated inside the stagecoaches operated by Wells, Fargo and Company?
  • Up to nine. There was also seating on the roof—unless there was too much luggage.
Today in History:
Today's Birthdays:
  • "Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed." Maria Montessori