Friday, January 09, 2009

January 9, 2009

eclectic \i-KLEK-tik\, adjective:
  1. selecting and using what seems best from various sources or systems; made up of selections from various sources
  2. broad in acceptance of ideas or approval from other sources
by 1683, from French eclectique, from Greek eklektikos "selective," literally "picking out," from eklektos "selected," from eklegein "pick out, select," from ek "out" + legein "gather, choose." Originally a group of ancient philosophers who selected doctrines from every system; broader sense is first recorded 1814.
  • Not Safe For Life. Goes a step beyond NSFW, because it doesn't matter where you view the material; you will be scarred.
Why did I click on goatse? That shit is NSFL
When it comes to Internet shorthand, what do the letters IMHO represent?
  • In My Humble Opinion.
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